Midwest YL'D Animal Conference - Learn About Young Living and Animals

Whether you are a member of our wonderful team or not, if you have contemplated using Young Living within your home for your animals, this is the event for you! The amazing speakers, for this two day event, are focused on your specific needs of using essential oils safely and are excited to guide you with education from years of applicable experience. 

The professionals that will be lecturing are dedicated to teaching ways to safely utilize the products that Young Living has to offer. Make sure you bring your pad of paper, pen, and your eagerness to learn! Susan Albright, DVM of YL Vets and Pets will be presenting and you don't want to miss that. With well over 15 years experience  applying Young Living essential oils as an added modality - successfully - she, along with all of the other presenters, are a wonderful and continual source of information and guidance. We look forward to seeing you there. 

This event is both Saturday and Sunday, a whole weekend of learning and is Open to the Public. The Midwest YL'D Animal Conference is June 22-23, 2019. Anyone can attend so tell your family, friends, and even tell those that may find this event interesting, beneficial, or have expressed an interest in learning more about how essential oils are beneficial but are tentative to use them on or around animals! 

With the ever increasing questions about essential oils, conferences such as these are essential in learning safety and the benefits to stay informed, confident, and connected to others. 

We will see you there!


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