Hello and thank you for taking a moment to read my blog! I am enjoy writing about the things that I am passionate about, which means all six of my children, my puppy, baby wearing AND Young Living.

As a continual learner of all ways that Young Living is beneficial to my family and I, I am far from an expert. What I do know is what has helped my family (four and two legged). This is one of the reasons why I have enjoyed being a member of the Making Waves / Vets and Pets team. Not only am I privileged to learn from three veterinarians and a CCA, but they are always available to me when I have a question. 

What team has all of this? Well ours does of course!! Why not join now and let us guide you to a successful essential oil journey. Sharing IS Caring.


Vitality Lavender Ice Cream


You might think that Lavender Ice Cream sounds strange, but it truly is one of the best things I have ever tasted! When I went to visit the Young Living Farm, they were serving Lavender Ice Cream. At first I thought "No way, yuck", but after the wonderful lady who was serving the ice cream promised me that it was terrific, I tried it. SHE WAS RIGHT! WOW! IT WAS AWESOME! Now it is one of my favorites! Here is the recipe for the ice cream. Give it a try and let me know what you think. You can also add some Vanilla to it :) 




Vitality Lavender Ice Cream

1 cup heavy cream

1 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar 
2 eggs
1/2 drop YL Vitality Lavender Oil (start with 1/2 drop, add to taste)



In a small, heavy saucepan, combine cream, milk, sugar. Place over medium-high heat stir with wooden spoon while bringing mixture just to a boil.
Remove from heat. Set aside for 5 min.
Whisk the eggs in a small bowl.
Gradually whisk a ladleful of the cream mixture into the eggs, then pour the eggs back into the cream mixture, whisking.
Cook over medium heat, stirring gently, for about 8 to 10 minutes or until the mixture thickens enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Do not boil.
Remove from heat allow 10 minutes to cool then add in the Vitality Lavender oil and whisk. Transfer this mixture to a bowl, cover, refrigerate until cold.
Pour into ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer's directions. Enjoy!

25-30 min prep time
4-6 servings


Side Note:  When using essential oils remember they are super concentrated so much so that one small drop could be too much for a whole recipe.  A great trick is to dip a toothpick end in the oil and get a small amount on the very end of the toothpick and add it in to taste that way.


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Animal Care


"Fur baby!" "Man's Best Friend!" These are a couple of sweet, loving terms that people use to describe their cherished family pets. To these caring families, their pets are not just a "pet" but a treasured member of their family, the equivalent of one of their very own children!

These precious little ones DESERVE the benefit and SUPPORT of therapeutic oils too! Are you aware that "Young Living" has a whole line of products DEVOTED to these beloved members of your family? Contact me and I will explain all the AWESOME animal products we have and how that little fur ball of yours can BENEFIT from them NOW! You will absolutely LOVE these products and so will your little one! Contact me today!

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2365 Hits

Family Fun Time



Before you know it, SUMMER will be here! Summer with all of it's sunshine and lively family fun; camping! fishing! hiking! swimming and happy times around the campfire! But BEFORE you reach for those marshmallows and hot cocoa to pack up, don't forget to pack up your OILS KIT for your summertime ADVENTURES!

Did you know that you can REPLACE a lot of things in your outdoor readiness kit?

You can easily do this with a PERFECTLY natural "Young Living" everyday essential OILS KIT! 

Save time and money by downsizing all those sprays and lotions by getting YOUR kit today! Contact me if you have any questions and I can GUIDE YOU to the best possible oils for you and your family! I would LOVE to be a part of planning your summer fun! Contact me now!

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Oola Infused with Young Living

Oola Infused with Young Living

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3125 Hits

A Recipe for a Better Breakfast: Whole-Grain Wolfberry Muffins from Young Living on Vimeo

A Recipe for a Better Breakfast: Whole-Grain Wolfberry Muffins from Young Living on Vimeo



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